EarthTrack will revolutionize Inventory Management at your mine
Start with a no cost data analysis/interview and move to small scope pilot
Customer Journey
Progressive stages to move towards a multi-year partnership.
1. Initial Engagement
2. Site Visit (Optional)
3. Pilot
4. Commercial Contract
Relevant Stakeholders
- Warehouse Operations
- Procurement
- Data Team (optional)
- Data Team
- Procurement
- Operations
- Legal
- Project Sponsor
- Operations
- Procurement
- Finance & Legal
- Project Sponsor
- Procurement
- Finance & Legal
Scope & Objectives
- Problem Discussion
- Platform Overview
- Solution Discussion
- Understand Environment
- Diagnose & Determine appropriate solution
- Tailored Product Demo
- Implement solution on small organisational subset
- Prove EarthTrack value
- One or multiple mines
- Staged roll out
- Drive business value
- None
- Reimburse Travel & Expenses only
- Fixed Price Pilot based on a cost+ approach (separately scoped and quoted)
- Site Setup
- Professional Services
- Platform Maintenance
- Managed Hardware
- Managed Tags
Legal Documents
- None
- Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
- Environmental & Process Diagnostic
- Pilot Proposal
- Pilot Agreement (SoW)
- Master Service Agreement
- Service Level Agreement
- Usage Based Contract
Sample KPIs we can evaluate during Pilot
Key Metrics
1. Inventory Data Accuracy
- Number of transformed spare parts (SKUs, qty.)
- Net stock level discrepancies identified
- % of spare parts enriched with metadata
- Number of new optimal stock level recommendations
- % of inventory accuracy maintained
2. Financial Savings
- Net $ value of discrepancies identified
- Overstock inventory held in $value
- Potentially understocked inventory in $ value
- Opportunities identified to optimise bulk orders
3. Time Savings
- Time spent to locate parts (before vs. after)
- Time required for stock count (before vs. after)
4. User Satisfaction
- EarthTrack will survey and interview end-users to gauge customer satisfaction and collect feedback for future enhancements.
Value Buckets
1. Inventory Data Accuracy
- Create an accurate inventory baseline through transformation
- Enrich data through meta-data, photos, etc. for better maintenance of accuracy
- Keep accuracy throughout the pilot, assessed by manual stock level adjustment requests
2. Financial Savings
- Right-size the inventory of your ERP post-transformation
- EarthTrack will identify opportunities for optimal procurement using past data and accurate inventory
3. Time Savings
- EarthTrack usage time for inventory operations, compared to a baseline
- Time spent on stock reconciliation post-pilot, benchmarked against baseline
4. User Satisfaction
- EarthTrack usage time for inventory operations, compared to a baseline
- Time spent on stock reconciliation post-pilot, benchmarked against baseline