
We provide heavy industry with precise material, asset, and parts tracking and inventory management.

Our platform solves inefficiencies in inventory management by utilizing RFID tags and GPS for real-time tracking and operational visibility.

Tablet - Radar Find
Tablet - Locations

The Problem

The mining industry is struggling with materials, assets, and parts inventory management.

This is a multi-Billion dollar problem of inefficiency and inaccurate data
- resulting in downtime and significant losses

  • Demand Planning

    Demand Planning

    • Inaccurate SOH and location data
    • Suboptimal inventory levels
    • Production downtime prevention
  • Data & Analytics

    Data & Analytics

    • Min-Max SKU level set
    • Locating inventory
    • Reliable parts data
  • Policy, Governance & Monitoring

    Policy, Governance & Monitoring

    • Squirrel store optimization
    • SOP adherence
    • Inventory visibility
Production machinery downtime

Production machinery downtime

"Mining, metals and other heavy-industrial companies lose ~23 hours/month, equating to 1.2 million hours a year across the sector. At$187,500/hour, this adds up to $225 billion annually."

Source: What's the True Cost of Machine Downtime?

Cycle of Inefficiency

How the problem manifests

In a cycle of inefficiency, inconvenient SOPs feed problems down the process.

Challenging environments promote a path of least resistance.

This must be accepted and managed.

Our solution

Key Features

Digital Twin

Initial alignment of SOH with master data view of warehouse

Auto Stock-check

Wave the tablet over shelving to detect stock items

GPS Check In

An active tag experience with passive tag accessibility. Track materials and assets in remote locations using GPS Check In

Offline Mode

Operates in hard to reach places where stock can be stored even if out of wifi area

RFID/Mobile scanner

Update all inventory events as they happen at the location of event

ERP Integrated

Waving tablet over stock directly updates the ERP

Digitize all operations

View digital machinery manuals, pictures of stock items, digital signatures for authorised events, find lost items, digital POs, WO integrations etc.

Key Features


Financial Savings

Avoid Downtime

  • Prevent DOWNTIME due to parts shortage
  • Predict maintenance schedules and procure adequately in advance

Optimize Procurement

  • Reduce overstocking
  • Reduce last minute 'hot shots'
  • Bulk purchase for specific parts, with each supplier and across mines

Digital Twin Exact Inventory

  • Rightsize your balance sheet
  • Free-up working capital
  • Recover parts that were not properly inventorized
  • Write-off parts that are no longer relevant to your inventory

Time Savings

Reduce Manual Processes

  • Automate manual processes like goods received and attaching parts to work orders
  • Reduce time performing stock reconciliation

Find Parts Instantly

  • Location accuracy reduces time to search for parts
  • Find lost parts using RFID radar function
  • Know exactly where materials and assets are in the yard using GPS

Want to learn more? Get in touch

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